Application Design Module

Getting the most out of a standard software application

No two companies are alike. For good business reasons, a company has specific business rules it wishes to enforce, business rules that cover areas such as when a problem should be escalated and to whom. Additionally, the specific look and feel of a software application needs to match the specific work patterns of the companyÆs users both now and in the future.

Business is changing so fast today, companies can't know what their organization may look like in three or five years. You need an application set that can be easily changed and customized to fit your business and your requirements as your business changes.

Scopus Application Design module

Scopus Application Design module is an object based design tool that allows companies to easily customize the broad suite of Scopus pre-packaged applications with a simple point and click metaphor, one can add a field or a button on a pre-defined form or develop entirely new screens. Application Design module, in conjunction with the Workflow Automation module, can also modify whatever business rules need to be associated with an application.

Object Oriented Approach

A new object can be added by simply picking the appropriate tool and clicking on the position where you want the object placed. The object can then be moved anywhere by grabbing the object using the mouse, and moving it to another location. The object's size can be easily changed by grabbing the resize handles. Modifying an object's properties is just a double click away.

With Application Design module, companies have the unique advantage of making global changes to a Scopus application whereby all users receive these changes or changes can be made for an individual user.

Ease of Software Management

The Scopus Application Design module supports the underlying architecture of the entire Scopus software environment. Application Design module can export all screen definitions, including how the Graphical User Interface should actually behave, to a database as metadata. Screens are then dynamically created at run time. Different views of the same data can be easily created for various types of system users. This metadata approach ensures that users continue to have one standard release on all platforms. And, given that the metadata resides in the database server, the management of centralized software becomes much easier than attempting to manage a large number of different versions on different client machines. Further, multiple GUIs are supported through one set of metadata.

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